
Will be achieved with continous motivational input and sufficient effect with just 2-10 min daily use. 

#6 strong arguments

Installation of a Physio Wall module, a start-up instruction and you could be running with the Physio Wall concept. The concept is a carefully composed and based on well-documented exercises, Nudging to obtain desired behavior change and motivation programs.

The concept is preventive and therapeutic towards the discomfort and pain followed by working in front of a PC - all supervised and continuously followed by our physiotherapists.

Prices from EUR 199 / month.

#1 Modules at the office

Short breaks during the day are extremely important and can effectively be spend at the Physio Wall module, which is installed directly in the office environment.

When done directly in the office, you save time and achieve results effectively.

#2 Nudging

The Physio Wall concept is primarily about Nudge / push employees to choose short active breaks during the day, which we know will reduce the known discomfort and pain.

Every 2 months, the physiotherapist initiates a new Nudging initiative, and helps the employees in the desired direction of behavior change.

#3 Physiotherapist

Our physiotherapists have the necessary knowledge and provide you with a start-up instruction, which is followed up every 2 months with relevant work environment topics, instructions, consultation for individual employees, nudging measures and updating for internal instructors.

#4 QR access to instructions

With the Physio Wall module, you will find an easy access from the QR code to instruction in the use of the module, exercise instructions and the "weekly new exercise".

#5 Motivation

Without motivation and new inspiration, even the best concept will not work. So every week a new exercise is received, with inspiration and explanation of why the exercise is relevant to you. Motivation and renewal are core concepts for the concept.

#6 Internal instructors

Depending on the company's size and office locations, x number of in-house instructors are trained to assist the rest of the employees in the Physio Wall concept. Each month they will be followed up from Physio Wall's physiotherapists.