It´s all about priority

A healthy choice for employees and the company - "Your customers are not the most important thing, it is the employees. if the employees are well taken care of, they take good care of the customers" Richard Branson

An economic advantage for the company

In addition to the fortunately few, but sad and costly short-term and long-term sick leave, almost 1 out of 6 office workers are significantly reduced in work efficiency due to discomfort and pain related to working in front of a PC. We call it "presenteeism" and means that the employee is present, but with reduced efficiency as a result.

The Physio Wall concept is designed to be able to reduce these inconveniences and pain, and if your company has, for example, 100 employees, it is realistic that the concept will generate min. 1 full-time position with just a 5% improvement amongst the affected employees, and in addition prevent and improve the wellbeing for the rest of the employees.

Scientific documentation behind the concept

For more than 10 years, there has been solid documentation for specific exercises with elastic in relation to particular neck and shoulder discomfort and pain. Unfortunately, the problem continues and research on the implementation of physical activity in the workplace, points predominantly to motivational factors and Nudging as the necessary tools.

The management has to engage as a good exampel, it should preferably not be hard or take too much time, require change of clothes or located too far away, and finally there should be some kind of reminder - but at the right time!

Perhaps it's not so strange that the solid documentation has not gone completely straight into the workplace, but the Physio Wall concept is designed to counteract the obvious resistance and help the implementation of the necessary behavior change and the goal of less pain and an effective employees.

Meet our main concept developer

In working with different companies' office employees, we have always seen the same, primarily neck and shoulder discomfort and pain, but no one has really found the wise stones which in the long run can make employees perform the relatively simple exercises and all the way down to just 2 min a day that can make the difference!

There is no doubt that time and forgetfulness are the top scores of the excuses, but in reality it is just a priority, but it does not fall naturally and therefore we need concepts like Physio Wall, where you have what you need right at hand, it is visible and you are reminded of it at times when you will easily be able to spend the active break - it may sound simple, but behavioral changes just doesn´t always come easy - no matter how desired and logical it may be.